Corporate Meat Factories & Toxic waste lagoons will spoil Missouri unless…
We set guardrails to protect our land and water
Do you agree our land & water is worth protecting?
Organizations that care about our land and water should endorse the Missouri Guardrail Project.
Scroll down to see the problem and how we can solve it…
Why are people upset?
CAFOs ruin water & property
and they threaten our $300 billion economy
The tail that wags the dog. The 1% that threatens the 99%.
Arkansas has guardrails to protect their property rights & water
“A Nutrient Surplus Area (NSA) is an area that has been designated by the Arkansas General Assembly as having such high concentrations of one or more nutrients that continued unrestricted application of the nutrient could negatively impact soil fertility and waters of the state.”
Missouri needs Nutrient Surplus Areas
Who is at risk from unlimited cafos and waste lagoons?
everyone who drinks water or owns property including…
CAFOs are here, but they don’t get to ruin our lives.
Unlimited numbers of cafos and toxic waste lagoons are now legal in all 114 missouri counties
complaints about CAFOs & Waste Lagoons include
Poisoned wells
Poisoned watersheds
Terrible odors
Air Pollution
Damaged highways
Polluted springs
Smelly Lakes
Properties within 3 miles of a CAFO
Industrial Meat Factories are a Disaster for Real Estate Values
Introducing the Missouri
Guardrail Project
The Crisis: Missouri law has no limits and minimal oversight over CAFO meat factories and industrial waste “fertilizer” lagoons in our drinking watersheds and tourist destinations.
The Response: Organizations/businesses must undertake a process to install legal protections for our property values, water supplies and tourist regions. This is called Missouri Guardrails.
We ask each participating organization to feature the Missouri Guardrails Logo in websites, social media and email.
Here are some Guardrail Options to consider. Right now, there are no limits on Industrial animal waste in Missouri. Look over this list and pick the ones that your organization supports. Or write your own. What you support may not match what other groups pick, but that’s OK. Just chose the ones that make sense to you:
Guardrail Options
1. Do nothing. Spread animal waste throughout Missouri. Everybody moves to another state.
2. Follow Iowa’s example and expand CAFOs in Missouri to no more than 10,000.
3. Limit the number of CAFOs in Missouri to 20,000.
4. Require public notice and public hearings for the construction of CAFOs.
5. Restore the authority of local elected officials to make CAFO decisions.
6. Set limits on the number of CAFO meat factory farms in Missouri.
7. Set standards for CAFOs to build on permeable karst topography.
8. Make a “Nutrient Management Plan” in Missouri similar to Arkansas.
9. Set a “tourist fee” on CAFO animal exports.
of state. These fees pay for administration so there is no tax increase.
10. Redefine “fertilizer” spread from toxic industrial animal waste.
11. Install groundwater monitors around CAFOs and animal waste lagoons.
12. Require special permits & inspections for animal waste deposited in city watersheds.
13. Require special permits & inspections for animal waste deposited on Karst topography.
14. Mandate tourism and municipal water officials to serve on the Missouri Clean Water Commission.
We need Guardrails to protect our property rights and clean water.
This website is a production of Missouri Guardrails, LLC.
“Missouri is now a dump site for foreign meat customers”
Industrial animal waste is hauled to Missouri. It’s really, really nasty stuff.
This waste includes city sewage and other gross stuff. It is spread on fields and leeches into rivers and lakes.